carpal tunnel des moines clive

Median nerve entrapment is the most common nerve issues.  Symptoms can include numbness, tingling, pain, and weakness and will affect the thumb, index, and middle finger on the palm side. Activities such as computer work, sewing, and playing a musical instrument can all contribute. Other risk factors can include age, obesity, pregnancy, and diabetes.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the most common form of median nerve entrapment. The tunnel itself lies between the transverse carpal ligament and the bones of the wrist.  Along with several tendons, the median nerve must travel through this tunnel.  When this space becomes compromised and the nerve is affected it is known as CTS. Early signs may include a feeling of having to shake the hand to “wake it up”. The most common cause of CTS is overuse of the hands and wrist. 

When discussing median nerve entrapment, other locations should also be considered.  Along with the neck and shoulder, then forearm is also a common place for the nerve to become entrapped.  Pronator Teres Syndrome is another form of median nerve entrapment. As the median nerve travels through the forearm is passes between the two heads of the pronator teres muscle.  In many cases symptoms will be similar to CTS.

Abel Shaw

Abel Shaw


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